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J. Matthew Thomas
Construction Series
This series, evolving out of the Santa Fe Art Institute Artist Residency, explores themes of labor, manufacturing, instructions, gender roles, and safety. Subverting the practices of architecture and construction with sewing and mending, this queering process questions the practices and reinterprets the products.
Wall Quilt 01
Tyvek, weed blocker felt, ribbon, thread approx 8' x 8'. 2020
CMU Block
felt, thread, poly-blend filler. 8" x 8" x 16". 2020
Wood quilt - study
reclaimed wood pieces, stainless metal hinges. approx 3' x 3' (current). 2020
Wood Pattern 01
Chipboard, blue paint, stainless hinges.
Sewn Drawing 01
vellum paper, black thread, 8" x 6", 2020
Wall Quilt 02
Tyvek, weed blocker felt, ribbon, thread approx 8' x 8'. 2020
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