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J. Matthew Thomas
LAND quilt
Art Farm, Nebraska. 13' x 20'. 2020. Fabric remnants, thread, steel pole, wood stakes.
An act of reconciliation on the land acknowledging the blind regard of natural flows in this environment and our limited tools to find balance. This is a segmented land, of artificial fertilizer and pesticides, water irrigation, and mechanical planting and harvesting. This installation and performance piece sows and sews the land using a traditional quilting pattern, tumbling blocks. I perform the act with my body, using a large needle, puncturing the dry earth, driving the quilting materials into the land.
Weaving a domesticated symbol onto the earth, I wanted to queer the tools of domesticated production, acts of violence contrasts with acts of nurturing.
Land Quilt, 2020
Land Quilt, 2020
Land Quilt, 2020
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